How to use twitter best

Veer Dosi
3 min readMar 17, 2022

1. Engage with bigger accounts in your niche

This is the most important thing you can do at the beginning

Don’t start by posting 10 tweets because no one will see them

Start by adding value with your replies to other bigger accounts from your niche.

2. Give value

If you want to build an audience you need to switch the focus from you to them

Share resources, respond to the questions you get, give tips, share your work

Tweet about whatever you want but make sure that you give value

3. Share your wins/loses

People love and follow authentic accounts

Be like a real human, share your wins but also share your loses

Did you get that job? Tweet about it

Did you finish a new project? Tweet about it

You had a bad month on Twitter? Tweet about that

  1. Tweet a tip that saves people time, effort, or money.
  2. Condense a big piece of content into a small tweet.
  3. Share a resource.
  4. Share a failure or fear
  5. Share a work in progress.
  6. Storytell
  7. Ask someone a question.
  8. Ask for recommendations.
  9. Ask if your followers have a question for you- AMA
  10. Create a space for people to promote their own stuff.

1. Storytelling isn’t complicated

don’t need pages of text to use it. It’s as simple as a single tweet.

So, when it comes to sharing your journey, knowledge, or whatever you want to share online, my advice is to always add a little bit of context.

  • Why are you looking for this answer?
  • What’s your goal?
  • Are you working on a project?
  • Are you on your path to something bigger?
  • etc.

It can be as easy as saying that “you just discovered self development.” If you go down this road, I’ll give you the only one tip you really need to use the hero’s journey efficiently.

2. Just add a problem, a struggle.

Every story will have a tiny/big problem to solve. Either you had it, you’re struggling right now, or it’s near in the future.

You had a problem

  • You can tell people that you weren’t always that healthy person. You were fat and not doing anything for yourself. Bing watching Netflix with junk food, and then you found a solution. Tell this story of having the problem, finding the solution, and how it changed you to become who you are today.

You’re having a problem

  • You need help right now. Why are you having this problem? Give context. Are you trying to achieve something? Tell the story of how you got to that point. If you have a responsability and you failed something, share this. People relate so much to vulnerability because it shouts authenticity.

You’re going to have a problem

  • You’re planning on doing something, a problem too big to tackle on your own. You need help. Tell the story of how you got at this point.
  • Why are you still doing what you’re doing despite the problem it will give you?
  • Share your values, create a team around you to be stronger.
  • People are reluctant to share a problem with you. They give you advice and insights to help you, but they won’t share the problem with you. It’s normal, they have their own.
  • But people will share your values. If they have the same, your problem will become their problem.



Veer Dosi

Veer Dosi is a hustler, entrepreneur, and innovator building out side hustles and upskilling.