Not-To-Do List

Veer Dosi
1 min readDec 28, 2021

A not-to-do list is as the name signifies a list of things that you would never do based off on your past experiences.

“Avoiding bad decisions is equally (if not more) important than making good ones.”

How to make one?:

Just start writing a list of things you would not do. Just look at my list for inspo:

  1. 😡Lie or inflate the truth.
  2. 🥺Give up when things get hard.
  3. 😭Not stick to your core values.
  4. ✔Say yes to everything.
  5. 👉🏻Talk behind anyone’s back.
  6. 🤠Try and fit in. Not be your authentic self.
  7. 🦈Not do something because you’re scared.
  8. ⛰Grow complacent
  9. 🙉Care a lot about what people think about you.
  10. 🤯Overthink and live in the past a lot.
  11. 🐢Blame other people for your problems. Not owning up to things.
  12. 🙈Have a fixed mindset. Not be open-minded. Not want to grow.
  13. 🥂Drink alcohol or do drugs or smoke
  14. 🗣Not communicate.
  15. ⭐Not keep your word.
  16. 🍽️Taking too many priorities on your plate
  17. ❗Not prioritizing or working through the Eisenhower matrix.
  18. 👂🏻Interrupt someone and not listen carefully
  19. 🥇Not think from first principles

That’s it. From my 17 years of existence on this earth, this is my list. Get started from here or just build a new one for yourself🚀



Veer Dosi

Veer Dosi is a hustler, entrepreneur, and innovator building out side hustles and upskilling.